Cataplexy is a brain disorder that causes a sudden and temporary loss of muscle tone and control, according to the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS).The episodes (or “cataplectic attacks”) in most cases are triggered by strong or extreme emotions, including anger, stress, anxiety, fear, a depressed mood, joy, and laughter.
The vast majority of people who experience cataplexy do so as a result of having type 1 narcolepsy, a chronic sleep and neurological disorder in which the brain has trouble properly controlling wake and sleep cycles.In very rare cases, cataplexy has been reported in individuals without narcolepsy, notes past research.
Living with cataplexy is challenging. You cannot always control your emotions or emotional response, so cataplectic attacks can occur randomly. For some, it means being constantly vigilant about how to avoid losing control of their bodies, notes Mayo Clinic.

Here are some important things to know about why cataplexy happens, its connection to narcolepsy, and how to manage the potentially debilitating symptom.

Causes and Risk Factors of Cataplexy

The vast majority of cases of cataplexy occur because an individual has type 1 narcolepsy.The exact cause of narcolepsy is unknown, but people with type 1 narcolepsy have abnormally low levels of a sleep-wake regulating brain hormone called hypocretin (also known as orexin), notes the National Organization for Rare Disorders.This deficiency can cause rapid eye movement (REM) sleep to happen at the wrong time, according to Harvard Medical School.It’s not clear what causes this loss of hypocretin, but it may be the result of immune system changes that cause the immune system to attack hypocretin-containing brain cells.
Most people who are diagnosed with narcolepsy do have cataplexy, too.In some cases, type 2 narcolepsy — the one without cataplexy, which has milder symptoms — may develop into narcolepsy with cataplexy, says Eric Olson, MD, a professor of medicine and sleep medicine specialist at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, and a board member of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine.
Understanding REM sleep — specifically, the way that sleep cycles are disrupted in people with narcolepsy — may help us gain insight into why cataplexy happens in people with narcolepsy. In normal sleep cycles, people go through three stages of non–rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep before entering the REM phase, according to Harvard Medical School.It takes roughly 70 to 100 minutes to go through the first NREM-REM cycle of the night, and 90 to 120 minutes during later cycles, which continue to repeat throughout the night.But these cycles malfunction in people with narcolepsy. They may enter REM sleep right away when they fall asleep, and then wake up, bypassing the NREM stage; this can occur both during the night as well as during daytime naps, blurring the lines between wakefulness and sleep.

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Another important point: The REM stage of sleep is when dreaming occurs, and when our bodies become paralyzed — a mechanism that is thought to prevents us from acting out our dreams and harming ourselves, according to the Sleep Foundation.In people with narcolepsy, this sleep paralysis associated with REM sleep happens at the wrong time, too, which is why sleep paralysis and vivid hallucinations while falling asleep or waking up can also occur.
Cataplexy episodes resemble that loss of muscle control that naturally happens during REM sleep — but occur when someone is awake rather than during sleep.
Research published in the Journal of Neuroscience suggested that in healthy individuals, positive emotions may lead to muscle weakness (feeling weak with laughter, for instance), but that the brain chemical hypocretin (the one absent in people with narcolepsy) prevents that loss of muscle tone from being anything more than a brief event.
This may help explain why, in people who have narcolepsy with cataplexy, that response is more extreme. More research needs to be done to better understand why and how strong emotions trigger this response to begin with, as well as the role of hypocretin in narcolepsy symptoms and treatment.

Treatment and Medication Options for Cataplexy

There is no cure for cataplexy or narcolepsy.Symptoms of narcolepsy (including cataplexy) typically develop over several months and last a lifetime.Depending on the severity, some people with cataplexy may only have one or two attacks in a lifetime, whereas others may experience multiple attacks a day.Without proper diagnosis and treatment of narcolepsy, symptoms such as cataplexy can be dangerous and “life-restricting,” notes Dr. Olson. “Someone may stop competing to avoid winning something, or avoid laughing, or even engaging in intercourse,” says Olson.

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In short, people affected by cataplexy may learn to modify their behavior and activities to minimize their risk of bringing on an episode, and many end up avoiding situations that may cause cataplexy.These adjustments can be consequential and vastly affect quality of life, such as if someone skips social situations with friends, or avoids driving, according to Harvard Medical School.
However, while narcolepsy with cataplexy is a lifelong condition, there are medications that can help you manage the symptoms.

Medication Options for Cataplexy

There are drugs that have been shown to be effective in treating cataplexy. Medications may reduce cataplectic attacks by 90 percent, or eliminate them entirely in some people, notes Harvard Medical School.

The primary treatment options are medications that allow people to stay awake during the day, and push them to sleep at night, says Lois E. Krahn, MD, a professor of psychiatry in the Mayo Clinic College of Medicine in Phoenix, Arizona, and a sleep medicine researcher with a special focus on narcolepsy.

There is some evidence that tricyclic antidepressants, such as clomipramine, imipramine, and desipramine, and selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) may be helpful for cataplexy, as well as other narcolepsy symptoms.Sodium oxybate, taken at night for its sedative effect, has also been shown to be effective in treating severe daytime sleepiness as well as cataplexy attacks.
If an individual has very rare episodes of cataplexy, intervention may be unnecessary.But people who experience frequent attacks (or ones that greatly disturb their lives) should discuss medication options with their doctor and consider the potential benefits, as well as possible side effects. For people with severe cataplexy, being able to take medication that can help control attacks may significantly improve social interaction, safety, and overall quality of life.

Alternative and Complementary Therapies for Cataplexy

In addition to medications, cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), or learning techniques to improve behavior, may help people manage several symptoms of narcolepsy, including cataplexy, per past research.
CBT techniques for narcolepsy vary, but can involve helping patients recognize conditions and emotions that trigger their cataplectic attacks, and teaching them how to respond in ways that prevent an attack from occurring. Another potential CBT technique is known as stimulus satiation, a procedure in which the patient is repeatedly exposed to the trigger that prompts cataplectic episodes until its effect is lost. However, most studies have looked at CBT for other sleep disorders, and more research on the application of CBT for narcolepsy is needed.
Counseling and support groups can also help people with narcolepsy learn coping strategies to help manage symptoms like cataplexy.Find a support group through Narcolepsy Network. Or ask your doctor to help you locate a support group or qualified counselor.

Prevention of Cataplexy

Medications are typically the most effective way to prevent cataplexy, though other strategies may also help, according to Harvard Medical School:
  • Get enough sleep or plan strategic naps. You may be more likely to experience a cataplectic attack when you're sleep-deprived. “If someone is exhausted, they are more vulnerable to an emotional trigger, so being well-rested is important,” Dr. Krahn says. If you're unable to get a good night's sleep, or you're bothered by excessive daytime sleepiness, try to take short, scheduled naps at times when you tend to feel sleepiest. “Naps don't have to be terribly long — a person with narcolepsy can benefit from a 20-minute nap,” Krahn says.
  • Get up and move. Regular physical activity may indirectly help with cataplexy by keeping daytime sleepiness at bay, according to Krahn. So, if you start feeling sleepy, and you can't take a quick nap, go for a walk.
  • Get help from friends, family, and coworkers. Let people know if your cataplexy is triggered by strong emotions or specific situations. If you sense an attack is coming, encourage people to avoid these triggers if possible. Though you may not want to avoid strong emotions or specific situations, it may be preferable to an attack — especially if an attack is about to occur at an awkward time (like during a meal or work meeting).

Research and Statistics: How Common Is Cataplexy?

Roughly 70 million Americans suffer from sleep disorders like insomnia, sleep apnea, restless legs syndrome, and narcolepsy, according to the Cleveland Clinic.
Narcolepsy occurs in men and women equally and is estimated to affect roughly 1 in 2,000 people in the United States, which equals roughly 200,000 Americans and 3 million people worldwide, notes the Narcolepsy Network.Roughly half of all people with narcolepsy also have cataplexy, per Harvard Medical School.However, because narcolepsy is often unrecognized or misdiagnosed, the actual number may be higher.
The symptoms of narcolepsy (including cataplexy) can appear at any age, but they typically start in childhood, adolescence, or young adulthood (ages 7 to 25).Symptoms will develop over the course of several months and last a lifetime.

Resources We Love

American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM)

Founded in 1975, this professional society now has a combined 11,000 accredited member sleep centers, physicians, scientists, and other sleep-focused healthcare professionals. The society offers professional development opportunities for physicians, as well as a variety of sleep resources for the general public, including a sleep education site with a directory of sleep centers, patient-friendly guides that explain clinical practice guidelines, and a monthly research journal.

National Sleep Foundation (NSF)

This nonprofit has been an advocate for sleep and health for nearly 30 years. Their site provides helpful articles about a variety of sleep topics and their content is reviewed by a medical team to ensure the information is accurate and up-to-date.

Mayo Clinic

The Mayo Clinic offers everything you need to know about narcolepsy with cataplexy: what it is, symptoms and causes, and when to see a doctor for help. This well-known hospital also provides detailed information about the tests used to diagnose narcolepsy, medications to treat narcolepsy, how to prepare for your appointment with your doctor, and what questions you can expect from your doctor during your initial visit.

National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS)

This division of the National Institutes of Health focuses on researching the brain and nervous system to reduce neurological disorders and diseases (like narcolepsy with cataplexy). Their site offers a detailed fact sheet about narcolepsy, including the latest research and clinical trials. You'll also find a list of recommended resources for finding more information about narcolepsy.

Narcolepsy Network

Founded in 1986, this nonprofit provides education and resources to support people with narcolepsy. Find support groups (including advice for starting your own), informational videos, directories to find a sleep specialist or center, and a listing of additional sites where you can find more resources.

Wake Up Narcolepsy (WUP)

WUP is a nonprofit dedicated to raising awareness about narcolepsy, as well as supporting research to find a cure. Join their online support group, attend an event, tune in to their weekly podcast, or browse their informational videos and brochures.

Harvard Medical School Division of Sleep Medicine

Harvard Medical School offers a comprehensive site dedicated to understanding, treating, and living with narcolepsy. You’ll find helpful resources for managing narcolepsy day-to-day, including a video series featuring real-life patients and educators. Still not sure if you have narcolepsy? The site offers self-evaluation tools, as well as tips for finding a qualified sleep medicine specialist.

Additional reporting by Katherine Lee.

Editorial Sources and Fact-Checking

  • Narcolepsy Fact Sheet. National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke. March 16, 2020.
  • Egel RT, Lee A, Bump T, et al. Isolated Cataplexy in the Differential Diagnosis of Drop Attacks: A Case of Successful Clinical Diagnosis and Treatment. Case Reports in Neurological Medicine. July 2012.
  • Narcolepsy. Mayo Clinic. January 12, 2019.
  • Narcolepsy. Merck Manual — Consumer Version. June 2020.
  • Narcolepsy. Genetics Home Reference. August 17, 2020.
  • Cataplexy. Sleep Foundation. July 28, 2020.
  • Narcolepsy. National Organization for Rare Disorders. 2017.
  • Understanding Narcolepsy. Division of Sleep Medicine — Harvard Medical School. February 21, 2018.
  • Slowik JM, Collen JF, Yow AG. Narcolepsy. Stat Pearls Publishing. June 27, 2020.
  • Natural Patterns of Sleep. Division of Sleep Medicine — Harvard Medical School. December 18, 2007.
  • What You Should Know About Sleep Paralysis. Sleep Foundation. August 6, 2020.
  • Narcolepsy Symptoms. Sleep Foundation. September 11, 2020.
  • Burgess CR, Scammell TE. Narcolepsy: Neural Mechanisms of Sleepiness and Cataplexy. Journal of Neuroscience. September 2012.
  • Narcolepsy: Self-Evaluation. Division of Sleep Medicine — Harvard Medical School. February 21, 2018.
  • Narcolepsy: Self-Tests and Diagnosis. American Academy of Sleep Medicine. December 21, 2017.
  • Narcolepsy: Daily Life. Division of Sleep Medicine — Harvard Medical School. February 21, 2018.
  • Narcolepsy: Medications. Division of Sleep Medicine — Harvard Medical School. February 21, 2018.
  • Medications for Cataplexy. Sleep Foundation. July 28, 2020.
  • Marín Agudelo HA, Jiménez Correa U, Carlos Sierra J, et al. Cognitive Behavioral Treatment for Narcolepsy: Can It Complement Pharmacotherapy? Sleep Science. March 2014.
  • Narcolepsy: Self-Care. Division of Sleep Medicine — Harvard Medical School. February 21, 2018.
  • Narcolepsy. Sleep Foundation. February 17, 2021.
  • Mirabile VS, Sharma S. Cataplexy. Stat Pearls. June 24, 2020.
  • Common Sleep Disorders. Cleveland Clinic. October 20, 2013.
  • Narcolepsy Fast Facts. Narcolepsy Network. June 2015.
  • Narcolepsy: Symptoms. Division of Sleep Medicine — Harvard Medical School. February 21, 2018.
  • Narcolepsy: Understanding Narcolepsy. Division of Sleep Medicine — Harvard Medical School. February 21, 2018.


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