With certain bowel conditions, this procedure is necessary to allow removal of waste from the body.

An ileostomy is an opening in the belly wall that's made during surgery.

The opening is used to move waste out of the body when the colon or rectum isn't working properly.

Many medical conditions can lead to the need for an ileostomy, including:

  • Colon or rectal cancer
  • Inflammatory bowel diseases, such as Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis
  • Birth defects that affect the intestines
  • Familial polyposis (an inherited disorder that can lead to colon cancer)
  • Damage to the intestines or an intestinal emergency

Before having an ileostomy procedure, you may have surgery to remove all or part of your colon, rectum, or small intestine.

An ileostomy may be used for a short or long period of time.

You'll need a permanent ileostomy if all of your colon and rectum have been removed.

The Ileostomy Procedure

To perform an ileostomy, a surgeon will make a cut in your belly.

Then, the lowest part of your small intestine will be brought up through this cut and attached to form an opening, called a stoma.

Before an Ileostomy

Before your procedure, tell your doctor about all medicines you take.

You may have to stop taking aspirin, Advil (ibuprofen), Aleve (naproxen), or other drugs two weeks before your surgery.

Tell your doctor if you smoke before having this procedure.

Try to eat high-fiber foods and drink at least six glasses of water each day during the two weeks before your surgery.

On the day of your procedure, you'll probably be able to eat a light breakfast and lunch. Your doctor will tell you what foods to eat and when to stop eating and drinking.

You might be told to use an enema or take a laxative prior to your ileostomy surgery. Follow your doctor's instructions carefully.

After an Ileostomy

You'll probably need to stay in the hospital for three to seven days after an ileostomy.

You may be told to drink only clear liquids the day after your surgery. You'll probably be able eat solid foods after two days.

After an ileostomy, all your digestive contents will leave your body through the stoma.

When you look at your stoma, you're actually seeing the lining of your small intestine. Some stomas stick out slightly, while others are flush with the skin.

An ileostomy stoma doesn't have any nerve endings, so it's unlikely to cause you pain or discomfort.

Your digestive waste will be collected in a pouch around the stoma that sticks to your skin. This pouch is worn all the time and can be emptied when needed.

Most people are able to enjoy many of the same activities they did prior to the procedure. Ask your doctor about any restrictions.

Ileostomy Risks

Potential risks of an ileostomy include:

  • Bleeding in the belly
  • Dehydration
  • Difficulty absorbing nutrients from food
  • Damage to nearby organs

Editorial Sources and Fact-Checking

  • Ileostomy; MedlinePlus.
  • What is an ileostomy? American Cancer Society .
  • Ostomy: Adapting to life after colostomy, ileostomy or urostomy; Mayo Clinic.


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