9 Best Korean Skincare Routine Tips and Products for Glowing Skin

Adopting a Korean skincare routine is more than just a way to care for your skin, it has become a global sensation. This

For the Love of Makeup! 7 Jaclyn Hill Makeup Tutorials for Beginners

Jaclyn Hill is one of Youtube’s biggest beauty stars, sharing her love for makeup, expert beauty tips and makeup product

Makeup with Glasses: 14 Application Tips to Make Your Eyes Pop!

Glasses have become a true statement piece in the style world. What used to be equated with ‘nerd status’, are now at th

How to Get Dewy Skin: 13 Sun Kissed Makeup Tips and Tutorials

When summer rolls around, all most of us want is to rock that dewy, just-got-home-from-the-beach look. There’s something

How to Sweat Proof Your Makeup: 9 Tips and Tutorials

Summer is here, which means sweat proof makeup routines are starting to make their way into powder rooms everywhere. The

How to Look Older: 15 Beauty Tips and Tricks That Work

Do you want to look older and more mature? Don’t worry soon you’ll be scouring for tips to make you look more youthful!

Beauty Series Part 1

It’s summertime, and the livin’ is easy—or it should be. Here are some simple strategies to enjoy the sunshine and keep your skin safe and beautiful. Eat your sunscreen…Your summer skin strategy shoul

How to Build a Capsule Wardrobe: 5 Tips for Beginners

Building a capsule wardrobe is one of the most fun and money savvy things you can do. It ensures you always have somethi

7 Coconut Oil Hair Masks that Hydrate and Promote Hair Growth

If your hair is in need of some TLC, we’ve got just the thing for you! Coconut oil not only boasts a myriad of health be

Soft, Smooth, and Supple

Seeing red? In the mirror, that is. Dry, red, irritated skin can be caused by a multitude of factors, but it can also be prevented and treated by natural means.Seeing red? In the mirror, that is. Dry,

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