Rise and Shine! 18 Easy 5-Minute School Hairstyles for Kids

Whether your child has short, shoulder-length, or long hair, one thing is for certain: you need quick and easy 5-minute

For the Love of Makeup! 7 Jaclyn Hill Makeup Tutorials for Beginners

Jaclyn Hill is one of Youtube’s biggest beauty stars, sharing her love for makeup, expert beauty tips and makeup product

How to Look Different: 15 Ways to Change Your Look

New year, new you! If you’re feeling like you need to refresh your look, there are tons of surprisingly easy ways to cha

How to Get Rid of Acne Overnight: 12 Remedies that Work

Having struggled with acne-prone skin since I was young, I’m always on the lookout for the fastest way to get rid of a p

How to Build a Capsule Wardrobe: 5 Tips for Beginners

Building a capsule wardrobe is one of the most fun and money savvy things you can do. It ensures you always have somethi

How to Contour Your Nose: 10 Tips and Products for Every Nose Shape

Contouring can be intimidating. Not to mention, we don’t always want to look like a Kardashian on the red carpet. Someti

How to Get Rid of Forehead Wrinkles: 12 Tips and Products

Forehead wrinkles got you feeling down? As one of the top skincare aging concerns, you’re definitely not alone. While wr

How to Look Better on Zoom and FaceTime: 17 Tips

Working from home certainly has its perks, but video calls can leave you feelingblah. They say the camera adds 10 lbs, a

Beauty on a Budget: 12 Best Drugstore Skin Care Products to Invest In

Most of us care about beauty and skin care as much as we care about our wallets. I feel you. You want to look fabulous,

Hair Loss Causes and Solutions

Discovering hair loss can trigger panic and frustration or be downright depressing. What’s more, few of us are immune. Up to 50 percent of all men and women will experience hair loss! So, how do you t

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