Guys Think About It Too

Struggles with body image, pressure to have a particular body type, and weight-based stigma are often thought of as women’s issues. But research paints another picture. A 2018 study published in the j

10 Things You Should Know About Companion Planting

Turns out that plants benefit from a supportive network, just like people do. It’s becoming more apparent in agriculture that some plants simply grow better when beside complementary plants. These liv

Studying with Joyful Intention

Children have a natural curiosity. They’re built to learn. So, even during challenging—pandemic—times, we can help them create the right conditions for, and remove obvious obstacles from, getting the

The Best Places to Practice Yoga in the US and Beyond

The ancient practice of yoga focuses on physical, mental, and spiritual health. Research shows that yoga is not only beneficial for relieving stress, it also improves balance, promotes healthier eatin

alive's September 2021 Challenge: Shop Local

Hey there, we encourage you to shop small and local this month (and, you know, always!). It makes a BIG difference in your community. Need to stock up on immunity supplements before the back-to-school

Kind Is Beautiful

Even before COVID, a Statistics Canada survey reported that as many as 1.4 million elderly Canadians reported feeling lonely. COVID has only exacerbated this issue. But increased isolation is just one

Strategies to Ease Anxiety in Under 5 Minutes

While it comes on a sliding scale—from the occasional experience to ranging severities of anxiety disorders—we all deal with anxiety in our lives. Your anxiety may stem from any number of causes, incl

alive's June 2021 Challenge: Appreciate Nature Daily

Hey there, did you know that nature deficit disorder is an actual thing? Many of us crave time outdoors, and science is beginning to show us why: Spending even a brief time in nature is a simple way t

9 Simply Stupendous Uses for One Single, Solitary Sock2022

"Don't throw out that odd sock. It can be used around the house! the_burtons/Getty ImagesWe've all lost a sock doing lau

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