Can you get credit cards after being discharged from bankruptcy?

"Using credit cards carefully can help you begin to rebuild your credit after bankruptcy.kunertus/ThinkstockEvery time y

Can the trustee sell your exempt assets in bankruptcy?

"When filing for bankruptcy, you have to know which assets you can keep and which ones are surrendered to creditors.Ste

What was the world’s largest bankruptcy filing?

"The 2008 economic downturn resulted in global firm Lehman Brothers walking away from more than $600 billion in debt.Mar

How do you write a hardship letter to creditors?

"The hardship letter should begin by describing your specific reasons for not making monthly payments.Gajus/ThinkstockWh

How are unsecured claims treated in bankruptcy?

"An unsecured claim is one with credit offered based on your future ability to pay.AndreyPopov/ThinkstockIt was a diffic

How can you protect certain assets from bankruptcy?

"If you want to protect some of your assets, you'll want to start planning long before you’re at the center of bankruptc

How do I know if I should file for bankruptcy?

"You may want to consider filing for bankruptcy if you no longer know how much you owe your creditors.DNY59/Getty Images

What is asset discovery in bankruptcy?

"You could face criminal charges if you file for bankruptcy and purposefully conceal information about an asset.Image So

Will bankruptcy affect my spouse’s money?

"Will bankruptcy affect your spouse? That depends on how much debt you share as a couple.Goldmund Lukic/Getty ImagesYour

Where did the idea for bankruptcy come from?

"Examination of a bankrupt man before his creditors in the Court of King's Bench, Guildhall, London, 1808.Guildhall Lib

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