Do I Need Life Insurance?

"Life insurance is one of those things we'd all rather not think about and rather not pay for, but it can make a huge di

15 crazy fun baby shower games

A friend of mine recently announced that shes expecting her first child, and while I often feel like Im a million years

Is It a Good Idea to Refinance Your Student Loans?

"Refinancing your students loans could save you thousands. But you need to do your homework to be sure it makes sense fo

Simplifying the School Search

In some communities, the options for kids’ schooling abound. From home-based to city-run, baby-signing to multilingual, along with specializations in music, art, sport, or yoga, how do parents make th

Are stay-at-home moms more depressed?

"Stay-at-home moms are usually depicted as the happiest, most fulfilled women in the world, but perhaps that's just a st

Vacationing At Home: 12 Staycation Ideas for Singles and Couples

With travel off the table for many of us due to pandemic restrictions, staycations are more popular than ever. Theyre th

How to Lose Weight While Breastfeeding: 9 Tips for Postpartum Moms

After nine months of growing a human being, you may be eager to shed some baby weight and get back to feeling your norma

U.S. Adults Are Overwhelmingly Unprepared for Serious Illness or Injury

"A new meta-analysis shows that only a third of Americans have prepared advanced directive documents. Peter Dazeley/Gett

3 Tips to Build a Consistent Sleep Schedule for Babies and Toddlers

Spring is almost here! And if you’re like me, that means bike rides and playing outside and windows open…..and spring cl

7 tips and tricks to help you survive sleep training

It was 4 am on a rainy Tuesday morning the first time I ever read a blog post, and I remember it like it was yesterday.

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