Nutrition Content Questions

"Learn the answers to common nutritional questions, including food labeling questions.©U.S.D.A.Good nutrition is essenti

How to Get More Fruit in Your Diet

"Fruits come in all shapes, sizes and tastes,and best of all are naturally prepackaged.See more pictures of fruit.Stockb

Low-Fat Cooking Tips

"These helpful low-fat cooking tips will helpyou take and keep weight off.Sanja GjeneroTaking off weight and keeping it

Low-Fat Cooking Questions

"There are many recipe substitutions youcan make to create a low-fat meal.Sanja GjeneroQ. What substitutions can I use t

45 Common Foods and the Number of Calories They Contain

"A medium-sized apple contains about 72 calories. See more apple pictures.© KrinkeDespite what yo

What Is a Vegan Diet?

"Vegans should eat a wide variety of foods to maintain a healthy diet. See more pictures of vegetables.© Photographer: C

How do vegetarians get enough protein?

"Vegetarians eat lots of leafy greens -- but where's the protein? See more pictures of vegetables.Andrey Popov | Dreamst

Are Destination Weddings Presumptuous?

"Destination weddings are hugely popular in the U.S. Image Source/Getty ImagesAn invitation to a wedding in the Caribbea

60 Gender-neutral Baby Names You’ll Love

"Parents are more open to giving their babies gender neutral names these days. Jill Lehmann Photography/Getty ImagesGen

The Debaucherous History of Bachelor Parties

"Bachelor parties have been around almost as long as guys have been getting married. Hill Street Studios/Getty Images"Tr

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