Easy Cobb Salad Recipe

The Cobb Salad is one of the most famous and delicious salads you can make. Avocado, bacon, chicken, tomato, feta, chive

The Best Way to Clean & Store Iceberg Lettuce

Things You'll Need LettuceFlat surfaceResealable plastic bag Iceberg lettuce keeps up to two weeks in the refrig

How to Moisten Dry Spring Roll Wraps

Things You'll Need Cutting board or other flat work surfaceDry spring roll wrappersShallow sheet tray, large enough to f

Greek 7 Layer Dip Recipe

The first time I made this was for a book club. And by "book club" I mean a bunch of my friends who sat around drinking

Uses for Unripened Pears

Transform unripe pears into tasty delicacies. Those rock-hard pears that you may have passed over at the supe

Pearl Onion vs. Boiling Onion

Pearl or boiling onions can be used whole to make shish kebabs. Image Credit: Goodshoot/Goodshoot/Getty Images

What Is a Gratinata Sauce?

Gratin comes from the French for grating, as in the cheese that is shredded atop a gratinata dish. Image Credi

How to Make Tomato Sauce From Fresh Tomatoes

Making tomato sauce from fresh tomatoes is really as easy as one, two, three. But as simple as the process may be, youll

Easy to Make Pickled Jalapenos Recipe

Pickled jalapeƱos are a wonderful sandwich topper. Theyre also a great way to add spice to various snack foods such as h

How to Cook Sweet Plantain

For a quick snack or side dish, make a batch of fried sweet plantains. The tasty dish is a staple in many regions around

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