Political orientation predicts science denial – here's what that means for getting Americans vaccinated...

Vaccine refusal is a major reason COVID-19 infections continue to surge in the U.S. Safe and effective vaccines have bee

A mysterious illness is striking children amid the coronavirus pandemic – but is it...

Critically ill children have been ending up in intensive care units with shock-like symptoms in recent weeks, adding yet

Social isolation: The COVID-19 pandemic's hidden health risk for older adults, and how to...

As coronavirus cases rise again, it can be hard for older adults to see any end to the need for social isolation and the

Can people vaccinated against COVID-19 still spread the coronavirus?

Takeaways:Vaccines can be great at preventing you from getting sick, while at the same time not necessarily stopping you

Studies link COVID-19 deaths to air pollution, raising questions about EPA's 'acceptable risk'

The pandemic is putting America’s air pollution standards to the test as the COVID-19 death toll rises.The U.S. governme

Preliminary research finds that even mild cases of COVID-19 leave a mark on the...

With more than 18 months of the pandemic in the rearview mirror, researchers have been steadily gathering new and import

Our analysis of 7 months of polling data shows friendships, the economy and firsthand...

Political leanings and community features predicted support of COVID-19 mitigation measures.wildpixel/iStock via Getty I

Nurses don't want to be hailed as 'heroes' during a pandemic – they want...

Nurses stepped up to the challenge of caring for patients during the pandemic, and over 1,150 of us have died from COVID

Is the COVID-19 pandemic cure really worse than the disease? Here's what our research...

The Research Brief is a short take about interesting academic work.The big ideaThe coronavirus pandemic catapulted the c

Matching tweets to ZIP codes can spotlight hot spots of COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy

Public health officials are focusing on the 30% of the eligible population that remains unvaccinated against COVID-19 as

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