How the coronavirus spreads through the air: 5 essential reads

Scientists have been warning for months that the coronavirus could be spread by aerosols – tiny respiratory droplets tha

The loneliness of social isolation can affect your brain and raise dementia risk in...

Physical pain is unpleasant, yet it’s vital for survival because it’s a warning that your body is in danger. It tells yo

Massive numbers of new COVID–19 infections, not vaccines, are the main driver of new...

The rise of coronavirus variants has highlighted the huge influence evolutionary biology has on daily life. But how muta

Kids are bigger coronavirus spreaders than many doctors realized – here’s how schools can...

The first U.S. schools have reopened with in-person classes, and they are already setting off alarm bells about how quic

The pandemic has revealed the cracks in US manufacturing: Here's how to fix them

The COVID-19 pandemic has revealed glaring deficiencies in the U.S. manufacturing sector’s ability to provide necessary

How many people get ‘long COVID’ – and who is most at risk?

A few months ago, a young athletic guy came into my clinic where I’m an infectious disease physician and COVID-19 immuno

Teens want COVID-19 advice that gives them safe ways to socialize – not just...

America’s teens and young adults have a crucial role in containing the spread of COVID-19, but a series of youth surveys

5 strategies to prepare now for the next pandemic

While the world is still reeling from the COVID-19 pandemic, public health and emergency management experts are already

Your corner pharmacy – joining the front lines of the COVID-19 fight

The new year has brought the deadliest weeks of the U.S. COVID-19 epidemic thus far, with thousands of deaths every day.

How California’s COVID-19 surge widens health inequalities for Black, Latino and low-income residents

California, once a national role model for slowing the coronavirus’s spread, has seen record numbers of infections, hosp

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