Our analysis of 7 months of polling data shows friendships, the economy and firsthand...

Political leanings and community features predicted support of COVID-19 mitigation measures.wildpixel/iStock via Getty I

Emotion is a big part of how you assess risk – and why it's...

People tend to overestimate or underestimate risk. The pandemic brings this into stark relief. Picture someone wearing a

The simple reason West Virginia leads the nation in vaccinating nursing home residents

The urgency of vaccinating nursing home residents is evident in the numbers. The COVID-19 pandemic has claimed the lives

President-elect Biden's new COVID-19 task force gives the US a fresh chance to turn...

A change in administration in January will bring a new pandemic strategy for the United States. President-elect Joe Bide

The COVID-19 pandemic increased eating disorders among young people – but the signs aren't...

Eating disorders began to spike among young people shortly after the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic.Experts believe the

After India's brutal coronavirus wave, two-thirds of population has been exposed to SARS-CoV2

Cases of COVID-19 are surging around the world, but the course of the pandemic varies widely country to country. To prov

Up to 204,691 extra deaths in the US so far in this pandemic year

An updated version of this article was published on Oct. 14, 2020 to include data through the end of September. Read it

Deciphering the symptoms of long COVID-19 is slow and painstaking – for both sufferers...

My first patient that day was a woman in her early 40s, an avid marathon runner who had contracted COVID-19 in March 202

Deciding how and whether to reopen schools is complex — here's how rocket scientists...

Dealing with the social and economic upheaval from the coronavirus pandemic will require the skills and talents of many

I’m fully vaccinated but feel sick – should I get tested for COVID-19?

Imagine last night you developed a little runny nose and a sore throat. When you woke up this morning you started coughi

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