Up to 204,691 extra deaths in the US so far in this pandemic year

An updated version of this article was published on Oct. 14, 2020 to include data through the end of September. Read it

Changing your mind about something as important as vaccination isn't a sign of weakness...

Sticking to your beliefs in a rapidly changing world isn’t necessarily the best choice.Andrew Lichtenstein/Corbis via Ge

Poor US pandemic response will reverberate in health care politics for years, health scholars...

Much has been written about the U.S. coronavirus response. Media accounts frequently turn to experts for their insights

Genomic sequencing: Here's how researchers identify omicron and other COVID-19 variants

How do scientists detect new variants of the virus that causes COVID-19? The answer is a process called DNA sequencing.

Forceful vaccine messages backfire with holdouts – how can it be done better?

With the FDA approval of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine and the continued surge of the delta variant, governments across th

Emotion is a big part of how you assess risk – and why it's...

People tend to overestimate or underestimate risk. The pandemic brings this into stark relief. Picture someone wearing a

COVID-19 survivor's guilt a growing issue as reality of loss settles in

People are eager to return to normal after a year of coronavirus, but is the U.S. there yet? Hardly. The ongoing psychol

What is herd immunity? A public health expert and a medical laboratory scientist explain

The term herd immunity means that enough of a population has gained immunity to stifle a pathogen’s spread. You can thin

What is a breakthrough infection? 6 questions answered about catching COVID-19 after vaccination

If you’ve been fully vaccinated against COVID-19, maybe you figured you no longer need to worry about contracting the co

Coronavirus cases are growing exponentially – here's what that means

In the U.S., scientists stress that the number of coronavirus cases has been growing exponentially. In ordinary speech,

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