Remote learning isn't new: Radio instruction in the 1937 polio epidemic

A UNICEF survey found that 94% of countries implemented some form of remote learning when COVID-19 closed schools last s

How doctors' fears of getting COVID-19 can mean losing the healing power of touch:...

The Conversation is running a series of dispatches from clinicians and researchers operating on the front lines of the c

Why face masks belong at your holiday gathering – 7 things you need to...

COVID-19 has disrupted our daily lives, and it is poised to completely disrupt the holiday season. As people make holida

COVID-19 messes with Texas: What went wrong, and what other states can learn as...

The July 4 holiday weekend usually means cookouts and big gatherings in Texas, but right now, the state is facing a publ

Reopening elementary schools carries less COVID-19 risk than high schools – but that doesn't...

While only a fraction of the country’s 50 million public school kids headed back to school in-person this month, many ha

Deciphering the symptoms of long COVID-19 is slow and painstaking – for both sufferers...

My first patient that day was a woman in her early 40s, an avid marathon runner who had contracted COVID-19 in March 202

Herd immunity won’t solve America's COVID-19 problem

After months battling the COVID-19 pandemic, the idea of “herd immunity” is back in the news. This has been stoked by re

Coronavirus deaths in San Francisco vs. New York: What causes such big differences in...

San Francisco and New York City both reported their first COVID-19 cases during the first week of March. On March 16, Sa

Genomic surveillance: What it is and why we need more of it to track...

“You can’t fix what you don’t measure” is a maxim in the business world. And it holds true in the world of public health

Health insurers are starting to roll back coverage for telehealth – even though demand...

In less than a year, telehealth has gone from a niche rarity to a common practice. Its ability to ensure physical distan

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