Glow Up Challenge: 10 Ways to Transform Yourself in 30 Days

It’s hard to put yourself first, especially if you’re juggling a busy work schedule, social plans, kids and relationship

8 Easy-to-Learn Popular TikTok Dances for Beginners

TikTok dances are all the rage right now, and while I was determined not to get pulled into the trend given that I cant

Strength and Speed: 5 Powerful Plyometric Exercises for Beginners

If you’re looking to increase your speed, endurance and strength, it’s time to try plyometric exercises! Also known as j

How to Get an Hourglass Figure: 11 Tips and Workouts for a Sexy Body

Having an hourglass figure is a goal from many women. It’s a classic, sexy look that has been in vogue for decades and c

How to Hide Chubby Cheeks: 11 Beauty Hacks to Help

Chubby cheeks are super cute, but for times you want your face to look more elongated, there are effective ways to hide

6 Full-Body At Home Resistance Training Workouts for Women

Resistance training, also known as strength training or weight lifting continues to rise in popularity. Not only are res

Weight Loss 101: 9 Ways to Boost Your Metabolism Naturally

If youre trying to lose weight, youve probably heard that a slow metabolism can make this a longer, more difficult proce

5 Armpit Fat Workouts You’ll Wish You Tried Sooner

Ah, dreaded armpit fat. Summer’s here and that means wearing swimsuits, tank tops and spaghetti strap dresses. It can ki

Get Fit at Home! 10 Full Body No Gym Workouts for Weight Loss

Exercise is one of the most important parts of a healthy lifestyle, making you stronger, helping you reach your ideal we

Legs and Glutes: 20 Lower Body Workouts for Women

Ready to get a rocking lower body? We’ve rounded up 20 lower body workouts for women so you can have the best legs and g

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