5 Armpit Fat Workouts You’ll Wish You Tried Sooner

Ah, dreaded armpit fat. Summer’s here and that means wearing swimsuits, tank tops and spaghetti strap dresses. It can ki

Tighten and Tone: 8 Transforming Tricep Workouts for Women

Are you looking to slim down and sculpt your arms? Tricep workouts are one of the best ways to get the toned arms you’ve

Middle Age and Fabulous! 7 Workouts for Women Over 50

For many women, maintaining a healthy weight or losing excess body fat becomes harder as you age. Your body begins to ch

Bad Knees? 7 Knee Strengthening Exercises to Try

If you struggle with weak knees, it’s likely affecting your day to day life. The knee is the largest joint in the body a

How to Get an Hourglass Figure: 11 Tips and Workouts for a Sexy Body

Having an hourglass figure is a goal from many women. It’s a classic, sexy look that has been in vogue for decades and c

How to Gain Muscle: 10 Workouts and Muscle-Building Foods for Women

Gaining muscle is super important for women, especially as we get older. Not only does muscle gain help you grow stronge

How to Use a Theragun: 10 Tips and Tutorials to Relieve Sore Muscles

If you’re looking for an effective way to recover after your workouts, consider investing in a Theragun, a massage gun u

How to Treat IT Band Syndrome: 8 Stretches and Exercises That Work

IT band syndrome is a health issue that results in pain on the outside of the knee. While it often affects runners, hike

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