8 Natural Mood Boosters to Make You Happier and More Energized

Whether you woke up on the wrong side of the bed, or youre going through a particularly challenging time in your life th

Shifting Wellness Attitudes Shape 2022 Fitness Trends

Shifting Wellness Attitudes Shape 2022 Fitness TrendsIn adjusting to the constraints of the pandemic, many Americans had to improvise where and how they work out. After months of adapting to a “gym an

3 Ways to Make a Positive Impact in Your Community

3 Ways to Make a Positive Impact in Your CommunityActs of kindness, big and small, have the ability to change the world, one community at a time. After more than a year of isolation for many people ac

Knowing Your Tendency Helps You Conquer Life Goals

"You can stick to your goals (fitness or otherwise) more easily if you know what your tendency is and use it to your adv

Protecting Your Lungs Can Start with a Scan

Protecting Your Lungs Can Start with a ScanUnderstanding the benefits of screeningNot too long ago, smoking used to be everywhere. In fact, many people remember the days before there were even smoking

Relax and Unwind: 10 Simple Hobby Ideas for Women

Are your days filled with work, your kids and obligations? As much as you love your life, we can all admit that our day

Feeling Hungry? Tired? Moody? Thank Your Hypothalamus

"The hypothalamus is a small part of the brain, located near the pituitary gland, which is responsible for regulation of

8 Bedtime Workout Routines For Weight Loss and Better Sleep

If youre looking for bedtime workout routines for weight loss and better sleep, this post is for you!With gyms closed an

What’s the Difference Between the Fibula and Tibia?

"Your fibula and tibia are the two bones that make up your lower leg. HowStuffWorksYou probably only think about your sh

33 Powerful Mental Health Quotes to Keep You Grounded

If youre looking for mental health quotes, sayings, and mantras to keep you grounded, this post is exactly what you need

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