What Are NSAIDs?

NSAIDs work by blocking the production of prostaglandins, chemicals in the body that cause pain and inflammation.Non-ste

What Is Hyperemesis Gravidarum? Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prevention

Nausea and vomiting is a common occurrence in pregnancy, with at least 70 percent of women experiencing some form of it,

What Is TSH (Thyroid-Stimulating Hormone)?

TSH tells your thyroid gland how to produce other hormones.TSH, or thyroid-stimulating hormone, is produced by the pitui

What Is Crohn’s Disease? Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prevention

Crohn's disease is a chronic digestive disorder that causes inflammation and damage in the digestive tract.The dise

What Is Agoraphobia? Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prevention

Agoraphobia is an anxiety disorder characterized by an intense fear about any place or situation from which escape might

What Is Imperforate Hymen? Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prevention

This condition is one of the most common types of blockages of the vagina.An imperforate hymen is a condition in which t

What Is Melatonin? Dosage, Side Effects, Sleep Usage, and Overdose Risk

Can’t sleep? Melatonin supplements may help, but it’s important to understand how the hormone works and the potential si

What Is Cyanobacteria?

Cyanobacteria, or "blue-green algae," form mats on the surface of water and can produce toxins that are harmful to human

What Is Athlete’s Foot? Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prevention

Athlete’s foot, or tinea pedis, is a type of fungal infection of the feet. It’s also known as ringworm of the foot (the

What Is a Diuretic?

Also known as “water pills,” these drugs rid the body of extra water and lower blood pressure.Diuretics are a class of m

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