Strength Training at Home: 7 Full Body Medicine Ball Workouts

When you think of medicine balls, do visions of high school gym glass pop into your head? While many of us remember the

Flabby Arms? 7 Best Batwing Workouts to Tighten and Tone

Excess weight in the arms and back can lead to the ‘batwing’ arm appearance that many people dread. While spot reducing

Full Body Cardio and Strength: 10 TRX Workouts for Beginners

Are you up for a new type of workout? TRX, also known as Total Body Resistance Exercise is a revolutionary workout metho

13 Tips to Prevent and Get Rid of Menopause Belly Fat

From hot flashes, to night sweats, to mood swings and more, menopause can be an extremely uncomfortable time for women.

Legs and Glutes: 20 Lower Body Workouts for Women

Ready to get a rocking lower body? We’ve rounded up 20 lower body workouts for women so you can have the best legs and g

Sick of Chicken? 24 Upgraded Chicken Breast Recipes For Weight Loss

When it comes to weight loss, chicken breast is a staple for creating meals that keep you feeling full and satiated. Ski

Get Fit Fast! 15 Full Body At Home Lazy Girl Workouts

We all know exercise is good for us and that we really need to do it, but there are days (and even weeks) where intense,

How to Get Bikini Ready Fast: 10 Tips and Tricks That Work!

A holiday by the sun requires cute beach towels, lots of SPF and of course a few beautiful bikinis. If you’re not quite

40 Simple & Delicious Pumpkin Seed Recipes to Try This Fall

Roasted pumpkin seeds are the epitome of fall. Not only are they the perfect snack on a cold-weather day, they’re also p

Guilt-Free and Delicious: 75 Comfort Food Recipes Under 500 Calories

As the days get colder and the nights get darker, there’s nothing better than sitting down to a rich, hearty meal. The s

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